What about the scale of Unihope?
Starting as a small mill, it takes Quanzhou Unihope Import and Export Co., Ltd. many years to develop into a big enterprise involved in the manufacturing of medical diapers for adults . Now, our factory is equipped with many advanced machines, which contributes to the upgrade of productivity and reduction of labour costs. There is a continuous talent flow in our factory to facilitate the advance and development of the enterprise. As a company at large scale, we have obtained relevant management system certificates to ensure the normal operation of the company.
Unihope is a leading sanitary napkins manufacturers manufacturer in China with its own brand. The sterilization wipes series is widely praised by customers. Unihope disposable diapers will go through double inspection and quality test. It is tested in terms of its sleeves, springs, and position wedges in the last production stages. It adopts cold light illuminator which features low glare and produces zero thermal radiation and UV and infrared ray, thus, it is a green environmental light source.
We always adhere to the customer-oriented concept. By using advanced production technologies and mastering the market trends, we are confident to offer customers the best product solutions.
Unihope is a leading sanitary napkins manufacturers manufacturer in China with its own brand. The sterilization wipes series is widely praised by customers. Unihope disposable diapers will go through double inspection and quality test. It is tested in terms of its sleeves, springs, and position wedges in the last production stages. It adopts cold light illuminator which features low glare and produces zero thermal radiation and UV and infrared ray, thus, it is a green environmental light source.
We always adhere to the customer-oriented concept. By using advanced production technologies and mastering the market trends, we are confident to offer customers the best product solutions.
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